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The ICJ and The Direction of Rohingya’s Plight | Webinar on June 6

The ICJ and The Direction of Rohingya’s Plight 


Over a million Rohingya refugees, living in overcrowded camps in Bangladesh in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, are desperately waiting for the justice and safe and dignified return to their ancestral land in Myanmar. Furthermore, Myanmar is using this pandemic to delay the repatriation process of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh to their ancestral land.

The legal action against Myanmar brought by The Gambia is a historic milestone in the long fight for justice and accountability. The entire Rohingya community is following the case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) closely and they hope the justice will be served in very near future.

However, Myanmar’s request to keep its recent report ‘confidential’ has cast a shadow of despair and a sense of injustice when the victims are not aware of what is being reported in their fight for justice and accountability.

As the world endures the costly burdens of the pandemic which affects every community, the issues of Rohingya’s plight wane away at the global stage and the Rohingya community itself feels their plight and justice being forgotten.

In this virtual conference, we would like to invite renowned scholars, experts and activists who are unparallel knowledge and expertise on the issues of Rohingya. The conference, the first of many, will steer the community away from the fading hope to the direction that Rohingya seek – for justice, accountability and safe return to the ancestral land.


Date – June 6, 2020 (Saturday)
Time – 14:00 (GMT+1UK Time


1. Hon. Bob Rae
Canada’s Special Envoy to Myanmar and Senior Fellow at Raoul Wallenberg Centre for
Human Rights

2. Dr. Azeem Ibrahim
Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, a Director
at the Center for Global Policy in Washington, D.C, and Author of “The Rohingyas:
Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide”

3. Michael Becker
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Trinity College, Dublin, PhD candidate at University of
Cambridge and Former ICJ Associate Legal Officer

4. Phil Robertson
Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia Division

5. Dr. Hla Kyaw
Chairman of The European Rohingya Council and Rohingya medical doctor and health

6. Dr. Ambia Perveen
Vice-chair of The European Rohingya Council, and Paediatrician and Child Psychiatrist


Stephanie McDermott
Lecturer at Carlow College, St. Patrick’s and Secretary of Rohingya Action Ireland

Follow the live event on Facebook page of The European Rohingya Council. 
Or follow us for more at our Twitter  @the_erc

Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh warned to be wary with human trafficking rising

KUTUPALONG REFUGEE CAMP, Bangladesh,  (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – When Nazmin Nahar, a Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh, was offered a job in a garment factory by a distant cousin, she thought she had found a way to support her ageing parents.

But her relative sold her as a maid in Chittagong, 160 km (100 miles) away from her family in the world’s largest refugee settlement in southeast Bangladesh, where she was tortured and forced to work without pay. More…

Announcement – Mass Rohingya Solidarity Rally at ICJ


For immediate release






Dear peace and justice-loving people from all over the world – Rohingya and non-Rohingya,


May peace be upon you all!


The 10th of December is a historic day not only for Rohingya, but also other ethnic minorities in Myanmar. This is the day on which a new chapter of long-awaited justice and accountability for Rohingya victims of Myanmar Genocide will be opened. On this day,  the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will begin the hearing of the case filed by The Gambia against Myanmar for its genocide against the Rohingya minority.


The Rohingya community believes that the international community has finally heard the cries and calls for the justice of thousands of Rohingya being killed during decades-long genocidal operations by Myanmar. The justice and accountability has not been served despite the well-documented accounts of genocide with intents to destroy the community as a whole, resulted in stripping of citizenship, right to self-identity, denial of freedom of movement, religion, education, healthcare, livelihood, and expulsion of over a million of Rohingya from their homes coupled with mass murders, rapes and destructions of houses and properties.


The community steadfastly believes that  justice will take its course to prevail.


On these days of 10th and 11th December, The European Rohingya Council (ERC) and Myanmar Muslims Association Netherlands (MMAN) is organizing the Mass Rohingya Solidarity Rally in front of the ICJ. On these specials days, Rohingya, Kachin, and Karen, Myanmar Muslims, Bangladeshi community and many other people from around the world will join hand-in-hand to show support for the long-awaited justice for Rohingya. Therefore, you are cordially invited to join this peaceful solidarity rally in front of the ICJ. Your participation is extremely important.



  • To seek justice and stand in solidarity with the Rohingya victims of Myanmar Genocide
  • To support The Gambia in bringing the Myanmar Genocide criminals to the International Justice and Accountability.




Daye One

  • 10 December 2019 (Tuesday), 09:30 – 14:00

Day Two

  • 11 December 2019 (Wednesday), 9:30 – 14:00





       Day One

  • The International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ, The Hague, The Netherlands


Day Two

  • The International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, The Crossing of Scheveningsweg with the Carnegielaan



  • From Den Hague (the Hague) Central Station, take Stadsbus 24 (upper floor of the station) and get off at bus stop Vredespaleis, Den Haag (it will take approximately 10 minutes).



  • There will be two people wearing Hivis Jacket with ERC logo at Den Haag Centraal (The Hague Central Train Station). Please get advice from them on how to use public transport.
  • There will also be two people wearing Hivis Jacket with ERC logo at bus stop Vredespaleis, Den Haag.




  • All security measures are kept in place. The rally will be very peaceful. There will be police to make sure that the rally takes place in peace and order.



  • There will be a counter-protest on 11 December to support Aung San Suu Kyi. Therefore, it is very important to join the right rally. Please notice visibility jacket with the ERC logo.
  • It is extremely important that the participants obey the rule of law of the Netherlands.
  • The participants are advised to arrive on time.
  • There is an arrangement of lunch for the participants.



  • Prominent Rohingya and non-Rohingya activists, leaders and scholars will be speaking during the course of the day.



Dr. Hla Kyaw (WhatsApp: +31652358202)

Mohammed Ibrahim (WhatsApp: +4917621482623)

Khairul Boshor (WhatsApp: +31684090880)

Mohammed Ilyas (+31617151183)

Mohammed Rafique (WhatsApp: +353860391625)



On behalf of ERC,

Dr. Hla Kyaw

Chairman | ERC





The European Rohingya Council (ERC) is extremely saddened to hear the news of Jafar Arkane’s sudden demise.
On October 11, at the age of just 37, Mr. Jafar Arkane passed away with a heart attack in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Jafar had founded The Arakan Times news media where he was the media director, producing and broadcasting news, particularly videos on the daily plight of the Rohingya community.
Mr. Jafar was loved across all spectrums of the community for his honest, professional, unifying and dedicated services for over a decade. He had covered interviews on a wide session of topics ranging from culture, history, politics, human rights, refugee rights, persecutions, genocide, among others.
He was a dedicated young journalist with huge potential who had not shy away in covering topics that are sensitive, but important for the future of the Rohingya community.
The sudden passing has left a huge void for the community to fill in. He was an asset lost quite untimely and early.
The European Rohingya Council sends our deepest condolence and prayers to Mr. Jafar Arkane’s loved ones and friends, and acknowledges his contributions towards the Rohingya community which remain forever fresh and evergreen.
May Allah forgive him and grant him the Jannah.

Condolence | Rashid Ahmed (U Tin Maung or Mayu Rashid) | 1948-2021


It is with heartfelt sorrow that the European Rohingya Council (ERC) received the devastating news of the demise of our esteemed General Secretary Haikal Mansor’s father RASHID AHMED.

Mr. RASHID AHMED (U Tin Maung) had been suffering from chronic medical conditions for which he had undergone numerous medical treatments for a month. Despite his ailing conditions, he had set an example for his son who continues to dedicate and contribute tirelessly and professionally at the European Rohingya Council in advancing the cause of persecuted Rohingya people.

Mr. RASHID AHMED (also known as Mayu RASHID on social media), son of Zahir Miah and Fatema Khatun, and husband of Nur Nahar (Daw Tin Nu), was a humble, caring and well-respected Rohingya elder from Quarter 4, the outskirts of Maungdaw township, Arakan, Myanmar.

In 1994, he was forced into exile in Bangladesh by the Myanmar Military regime following the crackdowns on Rohingya leaders, elders and intellectuals. While living in Chittagong, Bangladesh, he had continued to work for the cause of Rohingya.

He passed away at the age of 73 surrounded by the family in Chittagong on September 16, 2021. The passing of Mr. RASHID AHMED is a deeply devastating loss for Haikal Mansor and the Rohingya community.

The European Rohingya Council conveys our sincere condolence and sympathy to the family and relatives of Mr. RASHID AHMED on this bereavement. We pray to the Almighty Allah to grant his soul the sweetness of Paradise and his family the strength to bear the great loss with courage.

Condolence: U Kyaw Hla Aung (Mohammed Kasim) | 1940-2021



The European Rohingya Council (ERC) is extremely saddened to hear the demise of distinguished Rohingya grassroots human rights activist U Kyaw Hla Aung on July 31, 2021.

At 10:15 am local time, U Kyaw Hla Aung has passed away with long-standing medical conditions in Botahtaung Township, Yangon where he had been receiving medical treatments.

U Kyaw Hla Aung who was also known as Mohammed Kasim, was born in Sittwe to parents U Yousuf and Daw Gul Bodan. He has studied and practised law in Sittwe, particularly representing farmers and underprivileged members of society in Sittwe.

He was forced to live at Thet Kae Pyin IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camp after the outbreaks of state-sponsored violence against the Rohingya community in 2012. From the camp, U Kyaw Hla Aung has dedicated his life in representing and fighting for the rights of the Rohingya community.

His passion for the human rights was untainted. His resilience was extraordinary for which he was ranked the 28th among Fortune’s “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders” in 2019. He has also deservedly earned many international accolades for his persistent fight for justice, accountability, equality and human rights.

His contributions are still felt in the grassroots communities which strive for peace and justice. The demise of U Kyaw Hla Aung is a great loss for the Rohingya community, particularly the remaining Rohingya in Arakan State, Burma.

The European Rohingya Council conveys our deepest condolence and prayers to the family and relatives of U Kyaw Hla Aung.

May Allah grant him Jannah and give strength to his family and friends.


Covid-19 and the Rohingya refugee crisis

Mar 31 2020 – All around the world, the numbers are climbing. Each day registers thousands of new cases and lives lost. In Europe, now the epicenter of the pandemic, governments know that the worst is yet to come and are implementing increasingly restrictive measures to enforce social distancing and isolation. More…

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