United States: Call Myanmar’s Crimes Genocide, Ensure Accountability


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
U.S. Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C St NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Pompeo,

We write to urge the U.S. Department of State to publicly determine that the state of Myanmar has committed genocide and crimes against humanity against the Rohingya people. The evidence of genocide and crimes against humanity is clear and convincing and has been amply documented. In making such a determination, the United States would help lead the world in holding the state of Myanmar accountable for grave abuses and in preventing further atrocities.

Beyond enhancing international accountability efforts, a U.S. government determination of genocide and crimes against humanity would subject Myanmar and its military to much needed international scrutiny at a time when the military continues to target Rohingya and other civilians in Myanmar. In the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that is the predominant focus of governments around the world, a determination would also help to ensure continued international attention on the plight of the Rohingya, while enabling the United States to mobilize additional diplomatic and economic pressure on Myanmar to shift its behavior. This attention could offer a measure of protection for the Rohingya and others in Myanmar. It would also represent an expression of solidarity with the governments of Bangladesh and other refugee-hosting countries, signalling the United States is committed both to accountability and supporting conditions for safe and voluntary return when conditions so permit.

Such a determination would be wholly consistent with findings of the Department of State, which concluded that the attacks on the Rohingya were “well-planned and coordinated” and that they were “extreme, large-scale, widespread, and seemingly geared toward both terrorizing the population and driving out the Rohingya residents.” The law group engaged by the State Department to investigate atrocities against the Rohingya conducted its own legal analysis and found reasonable grounds to believe that genocide was committed. A UN Independent Fact-Finding Mission similarly found “a pattern of conduct that infers genocidal intent on the part of the State to destroy the Rohingya, in whole or in part, as a group.” The Fact-Finding Mission has further warned, “The State of Myanmar continues to harbour genocidal intent and the Rohingya remain under serious risk of genocide.”

Now is the time to use the words that fit the crimes. U.S. leadership matters. We call upon you to demonstrate the moral leadership and courage necessary to push global action in the face of genocide.


  1. 21Wilberforce
  2. Action Corps
  3. Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma)
  4. Americans for Rohingya
  5. Arakan Rohingya National Organization
  6. Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights
  7. Bethany Christian Service
  8. Burma Campaign UK
  9. Burma Human Rights Network
  10. Burma Rohingya Organization UK
  11. Burma Task Force
  12. Burma Rohingya Association of North America
  13. Burmese Rohingya Association of Japan
  14. Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
  15. Canadian Burmese Rohingya Organization
  16. Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative
  17. Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice
  18. Christian Solidarity Worldwide
  19. Eastern Pennsylvania Karen Community
  20. European Rohingya Council
  21. Fortify Rights
  22. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
  23. Global Witness
  24. HIAS
  25. Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust
  26. Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention at Binghamton University
  27. International Campaign for the Rohingya
  28. International Interfaith Peace Corps
  29. International State Crime Initiative, Queen Mary University of London
  30. Jewish World Watch
  31. Justice4Rohingya UK
  32. Justice for All
  33. Kaladan Press Network
  34. Karen Community of Akron, Inc.
  35. Karen Organization of America
  36. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
  37. Never Again Coalition
  38. Partners Relief and Development
  39. Progressive Voice
  40. Queensland Rohingya Community Inc.
  41. Refugees International
  42. Restless Beings
  43. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
  44. Rohingya Action Ireland
  45. Rohingya Human Rights Monitoring Network
  46. Rohingya Human Rights Network
  47. RohingyaKhobor
  48. Rohingya Post
  49. Rohingya Refugee Network
  50. Rohingya Student Network
  51. Rohingya Student Union
  52. Rohingya Women Education Initiative
  53. Rohingya Youth for Legal Action
  54. STAND: The student-led movement to end mass atrocities
  55. Step Ahead
  56. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  57. US Campaign for Burma

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