ERC Press Release: The United States’ General Statement on the Human Rights Situation in Burma


Press Release

The United States’ General Statement on the Human Rights Situation in Burma

November 21 2020: The European Rohingya Council welcomes the “General Statement on the Human Rights Situation in Burma” of November 18th 2020 by the United States Mission to the United Nations. We thank the United States establishment for expressly condemning the genocidal actions of the Burmese government and their continual persecution of Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine State.

The US’ Statement welcomed the work of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar and requested all countries, including Myanmar to grant the IIMM access and provide it with every assistance in the execution of its mandate. Additionally, It also expressed concerns with the Burmese electoral process, because of the disenfranchisement of Rohingya groups and the cancellation of voting in various parts of the Rakhine state in Myanmar. These are issues that the European Rohingya Council has been trying to raise with the Burmese authorities for long and we are thankful for the United States to have mentioned it as well.

The European Rohingya Council would like to reiterate and express strong support for the following demands made by the United States in their Statement-:

“…The United States calls on Myanmar authorities to deepen democratic reforms; ensure full participation in elections and civic life without discrimination; take steps to establish civilian control of the military; ensure accountability for those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, including for the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims from northern Rakhine State; protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedoms of expression on and off line, religion or belief, association, and peaceful assembly; allow unhindered access across Myanmar for UN, humanitarian, and human rights organizations, and media groups; implement the recommendations of the Annan Advisory Commission in Rakhine State, including those related to access to citizenship and freedom of movement; work to establish conditions that will allow all displaced persons to voluntarily return to their places of origin in safety and dignity; and address victims’ calls for justice…”

We were are encouraged to see the world’s oldest democracy stands by our cause for civil liberties and human rights for all, and in turn we would also like to congratulate them for their own successful conclusion of free and fair elections recently. We hope that the State of Myanmar, that has been stifling democratic freedoms and curbing civil liberties, learns from the United States and that the Rohingya dream for justice, democracy and human rights is realised in time.

For more information:

Dr. Ambia Perveen
Chairperson | The European Rohingya Council |

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