ERC presented Certificate to Tomás Ojea Quintana for his well done in Mission


Stockholm, Tomás Ojea Quintana, the Special Rapporteur for the situation of human rights in Myanmar visited to Stockholm where he briefed the grave human rights violations in Myanamr particularly in Kachin and Rakhine state.

Moreover, he reiteratively briefed the precedented catastrophe of Rohingya internally displaced people in concentrated and squalid camps where they are confined, on the other hand, discrimination and persecution are increasingly taking place.

“It is to be worried and regretted how the Buddhist authorities in Rakhine state perpetrate crimes against Rohinya evidently imposing double standard policies where Rohingya families pass day and night in limbo in wet floor and the Rakhine families pass lives comfortably on the mat distributed by Buddhist monks ,added by him.”

Eventually, he appealed to world for a swift sustainable resolution for the distressed Rohingya whose destiny is approached in limbo before the exticntion of Rohingya in western Myanmar.

In conclusion, the Development and Welfare Secretary of ERC Mr.Abul Kalam presented the certificate to Mr.Tomás Ojea Quintana for his well done in his 6-year term misssion and for bravery on briefing reports in front of repressive rulers which he accumulated visiting many places including restritced areas—most neglected and remote areas—in Myanmar.

Tomás Ojea Quintana is a lawyer, with more than 14 years of activities in the field of human rights. He has worked at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. He was also the Executive Director of the OHCHR Programme for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in Bolivia. He has been the Special Rapporteur for the situation of human rights in Myanmar for six years since 2008 and is one of the individuals who has been most vocal internationally about ethnic and religious violence in Burma.


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.