An invitation to the 3rd election of the European Rohingya Council (ERC)

For immediate release
September 9, 2016
An invitation to the 3rd election of the European Rohingya Council (ERC)
The ERC is pleased to invite all Rohingya individuals and organizations living in European Union for her 3rd election. The ERC is founded in 2012 in Denmark, and has been working tirelessly, and become one of the leading Rohingya organizations in short period of time working for the rights of the most oppressed people on earth, the Rohingya. In the upcoming election, the council is with plan to bring the new generation of Rohingya forward for the work of Rohingya. The following points will be proposed, discussed and finalized:
• Reviewing ERC work last year
• New appointment of council members
• New selection of executive body
• Reviewing the current constitution
• Financial overview will be presented to the paid members
• New action plan for the next year
• And many more
We specially invite talented Rohingya who have concern for the Rohingya to take the lead in ERC. There will be a conference in the morning time, and the detail agenda of the conference will be released soon.
Place: Carlow, Ireland
Date: 26th November, 2016
On behalf of ERC,
Election Committee ERC


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.