27th November The media secretary of European Rohingya Council Mohamed Ibrahim and the head of Asia team (STP) Mr. Ulrich Delius met with Finland First Secretary (Vice Ambassador) Marko Laine and Ms.Woramon Sinsuwan First Secretary,Royal Thai Embassy in Berlin, Germany.

During the formal discussion, the head of Asia team of Society for Threatened People (STP)  Mr Ulrich Delius repeated that the ongoing systematic discrimination and persecution and deliberate assault of Burmese genocidal rulers against Rohingya ethnic minority of western part of Burma since many decades will never end without the great roles of the ASEAN. As ASEAN is the only most powerful organization to resolve the plight of Rohingya throughout the world. ASEAN has its fundamental right to resolve the state backed collision against Rohingya rather than the remained several organizations worldwide. It is shameful absolutely that the world is criminally silent on the Rohingya crisis and the international bodies are completely miscarriage to save the Rohingya from the Burmese Buddhist butchers.

It is miserable that Rohingya are fleeing increasingly to uncertain destinations. There is certainly a state backed propaganda to uproot Rohingya absolutely from western Burma so the Rohingya have to unwillingly flee by state backed threat of Rakhine extremists. It is very crucial to stop the Rohingya boat people immediately, otherwise, there will be no Rohingya within hardly few years, added the said STP head of Asia team.

Moreover, Mohamed Ibrahim illustrated concerning the state backed  hidden Rohingya ethnic cleansing and the ongoing catastrophes which Rohingya face today— persecution, incrimination, torture in detention centre of uncultivated Burmese authorities, harassment in Rohingya quarters of concerned authorities and Rakhine extremists, gangbang, forced Bengalization, vandalizing homes and historical  religious  buildings; restrictions on movement, marriage, population, education and religion. The internally displaced people are confined in squalid and concentrated camps where it felt more like open hell.

Such in reiteration, the intention of ERC to highlight plight of Rohingya is to bring awareness in European public and to let know the European governments how the Burmese Buddhist genocidal rulers ruthlessly massacre Rohingya in a vast momentum.

The Finland vice-ambassador paid serious attention to the account of plight of Rohingya made by ERC media secretary and made firm commitment to inform it to Finland parliament. As well as, the said Finland vice-ambassador assured that the Finland government will increase more aid for Rohingya.

Then, above mentioned ERC media secretary paid an appeal letter of ERC to Thailand ambassador to set free those Rohingya who are imprisoned there as boat people and to grant the imprisoned Rohingya residential permits so that the detained Rohingya can move freely to make up food for daily lives. The ERC media secretary repeated to prosecute against those involved in human trafficking either he is among Rohingya or Thai or anyone else

Source Burma Times

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THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.

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