ERC calls on Swedish government to push Aung San Suu Kyi in accepting U.N. fact-finding mission during her visit in Rosenbad


ERC calls on Swedish government to push Aung San Suu Kyi in accepting U.N. fact-finding mission during her visit in Rosenbad

Sweden has been a loyal friend to Myanmar for decades providing millions of financial aid every year to Myanmar with main focuses on democratic reforms, human rights, peace and healthcare.

Tragically, under the newly elected democratic government, the ethnic minorities have seen the brutal escalation of their ongoing persecution perpetrated by the Myanmar military, Rohingya in particular. Recently, U.N. has called for a fact-finding mission to Myanmar for the serious allegations of mass killings, torture and rape against Rohingya.

The state counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her NLD (National League for Democracy) government have disgracefully dissociated themselves from the U.N. fact-finding mission into allegations of widespread human rights abuses against the ethnic Rohingya minority in Rakhine State, taken place since October 9, 2016.

A fact-finding mission is in the interests of the government of Myanmar and its people. This mission would help clear up uncertainty about allegations of killings, torture and rape that Rohingya civilian have faced during the ‘Clearance Operations’ in the northern Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State.

It would demonstrate the government’s willingness to uphold the rule of law, work collaboratively with the international community to help establish facts, identify perpetrators, and deter future crimes by all parties in the conflict.

Swedish government must make it clear that it takes its international assistance to Myanmar very seriously, and that it expects the de facto leader of Myanmar Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to stand strong for peace and diversity, inclusiveness of all ethnic minorities including Rohingya and allowing their broader participation in peace processes without fear of any consequences.

ERC is deeply concerned that the failure of the government of Myanmar to fully cooperate with the fact-finding mission may explode the situation in Rakhine State to an inevitable humanitarian disaster threatening the regional stability.

Therefore, ERC urges the Prime Minister Mr. Stefan Löfven and Minister for Foreign Affairs Miss Margot Wallström to press for Myanmar’s full co-operation with the independent and impartial U.N. investigation as the long-time friend and donor of Myanmar during Daw Aung San Suu Kyi´s visit to Rosenbad, Sweden.

Dr. Anita schug

ERC spokesperson


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.