ERC welcomes UNSC Meeting, but more needed to protect and provide Justice to Rohingya



Briefing of the United Nation Security Council by the International Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar is welcoming but UNSC must do more to protect and provide Justice to Rohingya


The move by the United Nation Security council to hear directly from the International Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar (IIFFM) is indeed a positive step and the European Rohingya council welcomes it. On July 18th this year at the UNHRC 39th session, their investigations found Myanmar Military and security forces have committed Genocide against Rohingya, Crimes against humanity and war crimes against Kachin, Shan.


IIFFM criticized State-counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi for complicity in not doing enough to stop the Genocide on Rohingya minority.


Following the final report of the IIFFM, the Human Rights council besides welcoming the IIFFM findings and recommendations, adopted a landmark resolution [A/HRC/39/L.22] on the situation of human rights of Rohingya ethnic and other minorities in Myanmar at its 39th Session.


Both Myanmar´s civilian and military government committed genocide cannot be expected to carry out accountability.


ERC hopes that UNSC being briefed directly is an opportunity to gain in-depth insight of the Genocide perpetrated against Rohingya ethnic minority. The impartial and independent mechanism established by Human Rights council to collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse evidence of the gravest crimes and violations is welcoming but this does not send a clear signal to the Burmese military to stop the ongoing Genocide. We, the ERC and the Rohingya worldwide urge you to take note of the fact that less than half a million remaining Rohingya people, including babies and children, are being killed on a daily basis as a result of ongoing campaign of forced starvation. The Genocide of the Rohingya has not stopped!


To bring an immediate halt and to protect the remaining Rohingya and other ethnic minorities, the UNSC must stand up to its legal obligation to refer the case in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court. This is the least what UNSC must do for victims and survivors of Genocide and Crimes against humanity. Only through full accountability, ongoing atrocities can be brought to an immediate halt and future atrocities prevented.


History has proved that the process of getting justice is long. Unfortunately, time is racing against the remaining Rohingya in Rakhine state. Therefore, it must be the UN Security Council´s top priority to protect the remaining Rohingya locked down in Rakhine state.


ERC calls on the United Nation Security Council to not only refer the case in Myanmar to International Criminal court but also to consider and collect support among UN state members to impose arms embargo and trade sanctions. The trade sanctions will force the semi civilian government to embrace and reintegrate its ethnic Rohingya minority before any repatriation of the Rohingya to their original homes. Without the accountability and recognition of the Rohingya ethnic group identity, the ongoing Genocide of the Rohingyas in Myanmar cannot be halted.


If UNSC fails to solve the Rohingya crisis immediately, it will fail to stabilise the whole ASEAN region.


for more information:
Dr. Anita Schug


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.