The European Rohingya Council’s Announcement on Appointments of new Acting Chairperson and Vice-chairman


November 16, 2020

The European Rohingya Council’s Announcement on Appointments of new Acting Chairperson and Vice-chairman

The European Rohingya Council (ERC) is pleased to announce Dr. Ambia Parveen as its acting chairperson and Dr. Mohammed Iqbal acting vice-chairman. New office bearers will take the responsibilities effective from tomorrow and their tenure will continue until the next general election of the ERC. Our incumbent chairman Dr. Hla Kyaw is stepping down from the position in order to focus on his career and other engagements. However, Dr. Hla Kyaw would be continuously supporting the ERC team in a different capacity.

On behalf of the ERC, I would like to offer our acknowledgements and thanks to Dr. Hla Kyaw for the noble and sincere services he has been doing for ERC and Rohingya community at large. We also wish him the best for the success of his career and engagements.

We wish all the best to the new acting chairperson and vice-chairman.

Mr. Khairul Amin

Board of Trustee
The European Rohingya Council

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