The Press Release Of ERC


ERC Sharply Denounces the On Going looting, sexual Assault, Murder, Arrest, Torture in Detention Centers by Burmese Security Forces and State Backed Extremists in Maungdaw, Western Myanmar (Burma)

We, the European Rohingya Council sharply denounce the brutalities of Burmese quasi-civilian regime led by President Thein Sein over Rohingya ethnic minority of western Burma. Since last June, the regime itself triggered the violence which lead complete genocide against Rohingya with a high momentum and it stop some days when international community raises voice but resume when international community goes quiet.

The most recent assault (since midnight of 13th January 2014) on innocent Rohingya from Ducheeyadan village, Maungdaw, Rakhine state by Lun Htein so called security forces absolutely affected those villagers that it is impossible to recover the loss. The Lun Htien is consolidated by Rakhine extremists after immediate disbanding the most notorious Naska border guard force.

The Lun Htein, army, Rakhine extremists, Buddhist radicals, terrorist monks and the new Bangladeshi Rakhine settlers looted the Rohingya properties—cattle, paddy, rice, wood, gold, money and households and sexually assaulted to every female who are found including minor girls and elderly widowed and finally murdered who are fallen in front of them.

Moreover, the administrators abuse Rohingya and threaten to refrain from speaking out about the authorities are carrying out.

We, the ERC demand Myanmar government

1. To stop completely the ongoing atrocities being carried out with hidden genocide   method.

2. To bring the perpetrators into justice immediately.

3. To lift up all kinds of restrictions imposed on Rohingya in western Myanmar.

4. To give international media access to observe the brutalities of authorities.

We, the ERC appeals to UN, UK, EU, OIC, ASEAN and international community

  1. To pressurize Myanmar to grant Rohingya fundamental rights and to call for an independent international investigation for the crimes committed against Rohingya.
  2. To send UN peacekeeping force to protect the Rohingya from butcher hand of Burmese authorities.

For more information Please contact us.

On behalf of The European Rohingya Council (ERC)

U Hla Tin
Vice-chairman of the European Rohingya Council (ERC)

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THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.

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